Quoting the Raven

Annie Anuvelil
Jun 10, 2021


Quoting the Raven, evermore…
This is what happens when you look for a quote and ends up wanting to share all your fav quotes by Poe… So here you go.. A poem made entirely out of quotes from #edgarallanpoe … Most of them my faves, a few added to make more sense… A bit of poetic license taken, to fit into my idea of a poem… Ended up, as always, very dark… But then again, there is a reason I like his work 🤷🏻‍♀️… Please don’t sue me, even though I think it’s all public domain…



Annie Anuvelil

Eternally curious, perpetually confused. Full time mom, part time library mouse. Ex-journo, proud Malayali